Contains One – 32 fl oz Bottle of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
It Works! The ultimate cleaner for 1st AID cuts and scrapes; BODY ears, throat and diffusers; HOUSEHOLD counters, surfaces, cutting boards, laundry, stains, toothbrush and baby gear; FOOD nuts, seeds, grains, veggies, fruit, meat, fish and chicken; PETS oral care and skunk odor; and PLANTS vase water and sprouts.
It’s Clean! Free of toxic stablizers found in brown bottle peroxide. NON GMO. Great for homes with gray water systems.
It’s Safe! Won’t burn like 35% or even 6% H202
It’s Planet Positive! It’s good for the environment making grass greener and oceans cleaner.
Package Dimensions: 80x230x999
Release Date: 13-05-2016
Details: Essential Oxygen is a certified woman-owned triple bottom-line company that sees this planet and its people beaming with optimal health and promotes this vision by creating truly effective and clean natural products. Essential Oxygen 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is THE essential product for every household because it powerfully cleans without imparting any toxic residue. With none of the toxic stabilizers found in non-food grade, brown bottle varieties, FGHP3 is the cleaner way to clean…everything from 1st aid to body to household to food to pets and even plants.